Cooking with sourdough can be daunting — heck, keeping sourdough alive and happy can seem like a lot but it’s actually really simple and it’s a whole lot of fun. Plus, sourdough is an incredible superfood that will enhance your family’s diet tremendously.
*Note, we use a heritage wheat grain that is pre-hybridized (pre-1950s) for our sourdough that has not been modernized so we can easily digest it without inflammation although I have an autoimmune disease and my daughter has a chronic, hereditary illness. Your starter will also be made with this particular wheat. We make no claims that this sourdough will not cause issues with anyone who is sensitive to gluten.
In this sourdough masterclass you will learn everything I know about sourdough including how to store it, feed it, use the discard, and especially how to cook with it. You’ll also learn the health benefits of cooking with sourdough.
Saturday, August 5 from 10 am – 1 pm.
The Homestead Alaska Sourdough Masterclass is taught by Tandy Hogate, lifelong food preservationist. The class will be held in-person at the Big Lake Lions Club or via Livestream. If you are choosing to watch via live stream, an email will be sent out the evening before the event with streaming information.
Class Agenda
- What to do with your sourdough starter when you get home
- How and when to feed your starter
- What to do with your starter if you need a break
- Cooking with sourdough starter
- Using the discard rather than throwing it out
- BONUS: How to use your extra sourdough (or discard) to help keep your barnyard healthy!
- Health benefits of sourdough, including why those of us who have health issues can eat sourdough when we steer completely clear of anything made with modern wheat.
You will also take home some sourdough starter so you can get started on your very own sourdough right away!