To build a community that can achieve food freedom through sustainable, simple, and traditional living and to feed Alaskans the best foods possible from our farm.
By learning from folks much wiser than us and through trial and error, we are learning to embrace our Alaska climate instead of fighting it.
What started as an accidental CSA has turned into several acres of orchard and the reality of living your farmer's dream of owning and running his own farm.
We now offer u-pick fruits and berries on the farm. We also grow cantaloupe and have a nursery of Alaska-hardy plants.
Currently, we have honeyberries (haskaps), currants, saskatoon berries, Alaska-hardy bush cherries, and apples in the orchard. We also grow seasonal produce, including strawberries and cantaloupe.
The Alaska Homestead Academy is an online streaming service filled with classes and encouragement for Alaskans living close to the land. It also offers a community where members can speak freely about topics like livestock, food preservation, and raw milk.
In his off time, the farmer spends his winters working in his forge making knives, tools, and even jewelry.
Meet the Team
Currently a three-Alaskan team, we are working hard to share the fruits of our labor.

He runs and manages the entire farm - plus he's the chief post hole digger!.
Besides farming, Gene loves hiking, time with family, and doing most anything outside.

And she will do just about anything to get out of housework.
To read more of her writing you can visit her website at www.ordinarylifeextraordinarygod.com.

She is the sunshine when our skies are gray and the first to step in when someone needs help.
She is passionate about animals and loves spending time with her friends, crafting, and watching Little House on the Prairie.